Ayasofya Museum, İstanbul
March 06, 2018Hagia Sophia is among the most visited museums; is one of the world's most prominent monuments in the history of art and architecture and is shown as the 8th wonder of the world. This structure was also described by the East Roman Philon in the 6th century, as the 8th great wonder of the world.
Hagia Sophia, which is seen as the first and last unique application in terms of architecture, magnificence, size and functionality, is a product of east-west synthesis, which has been an inspiration for ideas on the Ottoman glasses. This work is among the most important monuments of the world's architectural history that have survived to the present day. For this reason, Hagia Sophia, along with its historical past, architecture, mosaics and Turkish buildings, has attracted all humanity for centuries.
Hagia Sophia has been a church for 916 years and a mosque for 481 years. Byzantine historians (Theophanes, Nikephoros, Gramercian Leon) claimed that the first Hagia Sophia was made during the time of Emperor Constantine I (324-337). This structure, with a wooden roof, with a basilica plan, was burnt after an uprising. No residue from this structure came from day-to-day.
Emperor II. Theodosius built Hagia Sophia for the second time and opened a worship service in 415. This basilica-planned structure was also burnt during the Nica revolution in 532. Excavations in 1936 revealed some remnants of this. These are steps, columns, titles, various architectural pieces that show entrance in the mosque.
Emperor Iustinianus (527-565) wanted to build a bigger church than the first two Hagia Sophia, the famous architects of the age Isidoros of Miletos and Tralles Anthemios `s built Hagia Sophia. Columns, capitals, marbles and colored stones from the remains of the ancient city of Anatolia were brought to Istanbul for use in Hagia Sophia.
The construction of Hagia Sophia was started on 23 December 532 and completed on 27 December 537. When examined from the architectural point of view, a large central space, two side spaces (nef), abscissa, inner and outer narthex have been found. The interior is 100 x 70 m. It is 55 m long, with four large legs on it. height, 30.31 m. It is covered with a dome.
Mosaics as well as the architecture of Hagia Sophia are of great importance. The oldest mosaics are mosaics with golden gilded geometric and floral motifs in the interior narthex and side naves. Figurative mosaics IX.-XII. It was built in centuries. They are seen on the Emperor's Gate, on the absiste, on the exit gate and in the upper floor gallery.
Hagia Sophia saw various repairs in the Turkish era which started with the conquest of Istanbul. The periphery of the altar contains the most beautiful examples of Turkish tile art and Turkish writing art. The famous Turkish calligraphy Kazasker Mustafa İzzet Efendi from the dome was taken from the Koran with a 7.50 m. round plates are the most interesting ones. In these plates, Allah, Muhammad, Omar, Osman, Ali, Hasan, Ebu Bekir,
The names of Hussein are written. On the side walls of the mihrab there are plates which the Ottoman sultans wrote and presented here. Sultan II. Selim, Sultan III. Mehmet, Sultan III. Murat and Şehzadeler are the most beautiful examples of classical Ottoman tomb tradition with its kind, interior fittings, tiles and architecture, the fountains of Sultan Mahmut I., the bazaar, the library, the library, the Sultan Abdülmecid's hünkar mahfeli, muvakkithanesi .
Visiting Days and Hours: Haghia Sophia Museum is open every day except Mondays. According to the winter schedule, the last entry to the museum between 16.00 and 09.00-17.00; According to the summer tariff, the last entrance to the museum can be visited between 09.00-19.00 hours with 18.00. Museum Cards can be obtained from museum shops.
Summer Season: 15 April - 1 October 09.00 - 19.00
Toll Closing Time: 18.00
Winter Season: 1 October - 15 April 09.00 - 17.00
Box Office Closing Time: 16.00
Special Days: Haghia Sophia Museum, Ramadan and Sacrifice on the first day of the feast is closed for half a day.
Hagia Sophia Museum and Gallery Floor Entrance Fee: 20 TL
Who Can Get Free?
18 years old and younger teens and children citizen of the Republic of Turkey.
65 years and older citizens of the Republic of Turkey.
Gaziler, wife and children of martyrs and veterans.
T. C. Citizens with Disabilities and a companion.
Er and Erbaşlar.
ICOM, ICOMOS and UESCO card holders.
Press identity card holders.
The guests and delegations hosted by the General Directorate of Recognition of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
their companions and foreign tour operators.
Ministry of Culture and Tourism staff and spouses and children accompanied by their pensions.
Foreign official guests and companions in our country invited by public institutions and organizations.
Professional tourist guides with culture and tourism scent.
Turkey Travel Agencies Travel Agencies with references to the owner or responsible managers
Foreign tour operators and foreign info groups delivered to the Ministry through the Union (TÜRSAB) channel.
Children from 0 to 12 years of age.
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